Tag Archives: Website Development Collaborative Internet Team

US Patriots Need To Take America Back! (10-19-2013)

This blog is under construction on 10/19/2013.

I need a nap first.. lol.


That Dummy Allen Darman is Above! Boy, does he make a lot of mistakes! And he has a funny looking bald head! At Least He Works Hard Though. He Tries.

Allen D says “I am an Internet Revolutionary and I am an Activist for Positive Social Change… both in America and Worldwide.”

“I strongly believe in what I Am Doing, and I am getting a lot of anonymous help from some very powerful persons and parties over the Internet, to include the Google Corporation, the Facebook Corporation, the Company behind WordPress called Automattic, and Mark Jaquith ofCoveredWebServices.com.”

“Numerous Powers that Be are >>>substantially threatened by the WordPress work<<< of my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team.”

“I am willing to die if need be in order for the Truth to Be Heard, and apparently so are those persons that have Intuitively Collaborated with me using WordPress since April 2012.”

“I am no hero, but those persons “who voluntarily jumped into my foxhole beside me” in April 2012 sure are! Persons in America and Worldwide should Place an Internet Watch on Our Lives and Our Freedom forever… not for our sake, but for yours.”

Let’s Party!!!

Things are Going Great for the Human Race!

It Will ONLY Be A Matter of Nine More Months and our Corrupt Corporate, Mafia, and NWO Controlled

United States Federal Government Falls to the Truth!

Between July 4th And July 7th This Summer! The United States Government Will Be Doomed on 4 Sunny Days for Freedom! At the 1st Internet Woodstock Hosted In San Francisco California! And Denver Colorado! And Santa Fe New Mexico!

And Also Hosted In Sidney Australia! And London England! And In Many Other Cities Worldwide!

With Bruce Springsteen (hopefully) singing Badlands on stage! and then singing “the Rising” on the stage 2!

That’s No Lie!

Year of the Patriot 2013 Like/Share --> http://on.fb.me/Wpqkjc
This Historic WordPress Blog is a Work in Progress. It is still under construction.


For All My 420Friends… (females preferred…lol)
Puff Puff Pass! Have a hit with me over the net in video!… it’s Fun! lol


About Allen Darman (or “Allen D” or “SmokeMasterAllenD”)

As of April 10, 2012, I Am No Longer WordPress Blogging Alone On The Internet.

As of April 2012, I Am The Leader of A Four Person
Revolutionary WordPress Website Development
Collaborative Internet Team

Perhaps All I Wish to Say About The Above Mentioned Development at the Moment Is…

Thank God I am not Working Alone!!! with WordPress Any More!, especially in light of the fact that I am managing Sixteen Websites now! vs. the Single One that I had before. It really helps to have a WordPress Collaborative Internet Team behind U when U are handling Sixteen Websites or more! That’s no lie!

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Below is One of Our Two WordPress Internet Management Websites
(This is the Stoned Version!… We have a Straight Version too!)


This WordPress.com site is the bee’s knees

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Google Logo Art

from a Doodle 4 Google Art Contest!

Sometimes pictures say more than words.

Women’s Day 2013

Logo Title: Womens Day 2013 *Just Think of What Is Going To Happen* in the future When All the Women of the World Become Connected Over the Internet!

We Men have clearly brought this World to the Brink of Extinction.
I postulate that Women Could Do A Much Better Job than We Men Did
With the Resources that Were Available to Us. ALLEN D

Allen Darman and his heroic Collaborative WordPress Internet Team!

Our Primary Internet Woodstock Website>>>iwoodstock.WordPress.com
The Image Below is *Clickable*.
ScreenshotInternet Woodstock Blog

The Doodle 4 Google Logo Art Contest Shows Us that Sometimes pictures do say more than words.

What follows is another great example of this!

Regarding Willy Darman and Allen Darman

And What They Achieved by Working Together

Expressed in two pictures!

Sometimes pictures Sure Do Say More Than Words!

Essentially I taught my son Willy verbally ***the Basic Facts that He Needed To Know*** in Order to Be ***An Effective Doctor of Himself***, and ***I also gave Willy the Supplement Tools*** that he needed to do so.

Willy did the rest!

The picture below shows my eldest son Willy at about seventeen and a half years old

>>>After he applied a wide range of Nutritional and Natural Supplements to himself

For three and a half years<<<,

And he used a few simple lessons that I taught him… and a little of his own Common Sense.

What My Son Willy Did Between August of 2004 and February of 2008 Exposed the Enormous Hoax of Drug Oriented Medicine!, if the Truth Ever Became Known!

No More ADHD! No More Bipolar Disorder! and No More Weak and Sickly Childhood Health!

The Picture below shows my eldest son Willy’s Health at the hands of conventional medicine.

This Picture represents my son Willy at about ten and a half years of age, after being on Ritalin for about four years for an ADHD diagnosis and classic bipolar symptoms.

At this point in his life Willy was not very happy, and he had both Seriously Compromised Mental and Physical Health.


More About Allen Darman

I have been chronically hacked and disrupted EVER SINCE I PUT MY SON WILLY’S ORIGINAL RECOVERY WIDELY ON THE INTERNET IN JUNE 2006. I am the Most Hacked Man on the Planet! No Doubt! They should put me in the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS FOR BEING HACKED SO MUCH since June 2006! In regard to Murder Attempts by the Mafia thus far that have Failed, my count only stands at about 35 Failed Attempts, so I would not set the Record for the Guinness Book of Records.  A man in the Energy Invention Arena Named Adam Trombly has me Beat, as he has had 54!  Frankly, I am glad I am Number 2… who would want any more?  


Allen Darman aka Allen D

or SmokemasterAllenD!

Thank God I am not Working Alone!!! with WordPress Any More!

For My2 LESBIAN 420 SUBMISSIVE WordPress Friends…
Puff Puff Pass Again! over the Internet via video!…
Make it a Big One! Hon…
U2 are Not Stoned Enough 4 Me Yet!
I Like U2 Better…
When You Are Super Stoned 4 Me!SmokeMasterAllenD

C’mon! Smoke Some 420 with ME!SmokeMasterAllenD

C’mon! Smoke Some MORE! with ME!SmokeMasterAllenD


Sharing Good News is a Beautiful thing!

These Are VERY Joyous Times!!! For All of Us!!! For Every Single! Human Being! On this Beautiful Planet! that we all share!

Please Feel Free 2 Share These Joyous Times! with Your Facebook!, Google+!, and Twitter Friends! They Will **ALL!** *Thank You For the Rest of Their Lives for Doing So* *if You were **the First to Share** this historic **WordPress Blog of Hope** with them via >>>One of the Following Links:<<<

Twitter Link>>>http://wp.me/P2oPUg-9

Full Web Address Link>>>http://irock4freedom.wordpress.com/patriots-need-to-take-america-back/

Title Visible Link>>>Patriots Need To Take America Back! (3-10-2013)

Only One Percent of the Folks on Mother Earth Will Not Be VERY Joyous Soon!

It may be worthy to note here that the New *eGovernment* of *the New Freedom States of America!* will be *Obligated by Law* to *Try to Salvage by the Methodology of Reeducation* *All Those that We Possibly Can*. This Salvation Will Occur Under a *Blanket Forgiveness for Past Transgressions Rule*. This *Blanket Forgiveness for Past Transgressions Rule* with Come with Numerous Justifiable Stipulations Attached*. (Obviously we are not going to let the Corrupt Wealthy Elite keep Any of the Big Money, but they will be left no worse off than “Middle Class”. (I propose that the Single Exception here should be the MAFIA **IF** THEY SWITCH SIDES AND HELP THE PEOPLE. The Mafia deserves some gravy if they help the People instead of the Corporations and the Wealthy Elite. If the Mafia does the Right Thing, they should be exempt from any Income or Assets Limits by rule of law.)

As a Result of These Now Being Such Joyous Times for 99% of us!, Allen Darman and his *Collaborative WordPress Internet Team* thinks it Appropriate that *We Throw a Little 420FriendlyParty! and *Play Some of Our Favorite Songs! (4 U 2 Pick and Choose What You Like!)

Please Feel Free to Enjoy them! by Clicking on the Links Below while you read this Blog Creation of ours!

1) Peter, Paul and Mary singing “If I Had A Hammer” on YouTube!

2) Bruce Springsteen *The Boss* singing “Born In The U.S.A.” on YouTube!

3) Bruce Springsteen *The Boss* singing “This Land Is Your Land”on YouTube!

4) Bruce Springsteen *The Boss* singing “Badlands” on YouTube!

5) Bruce Springsteen *The Boss* singing “The Rising” on YouTube!

6) Bruce Springsteen *The Boss* singing “Dancing In The Dark” on YouTube!

7) Billy Joel singing “The Times they are a-Changing” on YouTube!

Plus One More>>>

Ps. Alwin Thomas singing Best song ever.. “Freedom”..on YouTube!


February 27, 2013 >>> Today My Youngest Son Maxwell had a Big Birthday! the Biggest! He’s 21 now!

The Picture In the Link Below is My Youngest Son Maxwell and Some of his Friends in College. Max is easy to Pick Out, he’s the one that’s a Rock Star! Oops! I meant >holding a can!< of Rockstar! sorry! i must be stoned! rotflmao


Happy Birthday Max!<<>You are 21 now!<>Old enough to Make Your Own Good Decisions!<>Without Either your Mother or Father!<>YOUR LIFE!<< Is In Your Own Hands, Body and Mind.<<>This Will Automatically Teach You the Value of Making Mistakes And Learning From Them!<>I hope to see you Quite Soon in either San Francisco, Santa Fe, and/or Hawaii. >>Hint: The Amtrak Train to San Francisco From Utica NY Is Peanuts!, especially if you book it In Advance and Online! Check it out!<< Signed, Just your Dad who misses you often! Call me sometime after you read this WordPress Blog, you >Think On It< for a day or two, and you gotta few minutes to Spare… Let’s chat! on the phone or Online and Kick Around a few Ideas! at a Time Convenient to Us Both! And I need some Apple Guidance and Help! lol
I love you! Son


This CheckmateTheFedsAreDone WordPress Web Page has a chance of making me Internet Famous.

I would like to say a few things about this.

The First IS>>>Fame Don’t Mean Beans to Me!

I just wanna find the right hippies and >>>Get the 1st Internet Woodstock Startup Job at Hand Done!<<<, and done Professionally! too. And I wanna have some laughter! either in person, via the Internet, or on the phone, and have lots of 420 WordPress Website Development fun!

Oops, I forget to add getting a back rub from a woman every once in a while! (My shoulders hurt from so much keyboard time.)

And I forgot to add having somewhere to stay in the San Francisco Bay Area that is **Very Close** (as in right next door or in the same place) to my San Francisco help.

Is the above list too much to ask? of my Fellow Americans?

I am going to repeat myself>>> Fame Don’t Mean Beans to Me!


Dear Google – a Large Corporation with Great Integrity!,


Above>>> Google

is simply the best Search Engine on the Planet!

Below>>> WordPress

is simply the best Blogging Platform on the Planet!


WordPress – a Smaller Corporation with Heroic Integrity!

Using Google, WordPress, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter

*Virtually Any Person Anywhere* has
The Power to Change the World!

And Dear Jim Humble,
Lesley Carter,
Gary Vesperman,
Adam Trombly,
Mark J of Covered Web Services dot com,
My two Lesbian 420Submissive WordPress Angels in San Francisco or “Whomever You Two Persons Really Are”,
Dean Garrison,
All of the Patriots in America that are listening to us>>>

I hereby Call Our First Internet Woodstock Meeting to get the ball rolling, and get us all on the same page rather expeditiously!


Notable Quotes (Note: These will change over time.)

Writing is a struggle against silence. Carlos Fuentes

Think First! before you put your mouth or your keyboard in gear! AllenD

Writing to me is simply thinking through my fingers. Isaac Asimov

Eighty Five Percent of “Me” is *My Extraordinary Parents Arthur and Marion Darman*. I am only Fifteen Percent of “Me”. AllenD

Easy reading is damn hard writing.Nathaniel Hawthorne

Damn hard writing is Easy! when using WordPress Because It Is So Easy To Make Changes later! AllenD

Be obscure clearly. E.B. White

Be Clear Obscurely! Puff Puff Pass! I’m Stoned! AllenD

Every writer I know has trouble writing. Joseph Heller

My Son Willy Darman and I Co-discovered the Cure For Writer’s Block in 2004! I’m a dummy! I did not realize this until two years later! AllenD

I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.Steven Wright

I’m writing a book. Thank God I have 2 Lesbian 420sub Angels! 2 do the page numbers 4 Me after I get them Real Stoned! on their knees! in front of me! SmokeMasterAllenD

There is creative reading as well as creative writing.Ralph Waldo Emerson

I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them.Anne Rice

I loved words as well. I could not say the Above Quote better than Anne Rice did! Thank You Anne Rice! AllenD

The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can’t help it.Leo Rosten

I’m No Professional Writer! I hack at it! Thank God I have two Professional Lesbian 420Sub WordPress Angels to edit me and back me up!
They make me Look Professional! I would be nothing without the two of them! typed with tears in my eyes. Allen Darman aka 420SmokeMasterAllenD!

I Welcome Your Feedback! Please Leave a Reply! I promise U I will read it! and consider it carefully! if I can find the time! AllenD


Fame don’t mean beans to me. Neither does money. (What good are fame and money going to do for me when I am dead?)

I define myself as “a humble little worker bee” for God… the little piece of God in “all of us”. God Nature, as my father used to say.

Don’t thank me for any of this.

Thank God. Thank my son Willy. Thank my son Maxwell too.

Thank all of the authors of accurate Alternative Medical Books.

Thank Helen, my best friend after Jimmy died. (He was my best friend before her.)

Thank all of the people that helped me in one way or another over the years, both family and friends.

And give A Very Special Thank You to my father and mother Arthur and Marion Darman.

Incidentally, Pinochle between the three of us was “an almost weekly event”. Over the years (and there were many of them), we played Pinochle for hundreds of hours against each other, my mother, my father, and I. All three of us were geniuses in multiple, albeit different, ways. By their admission… I was the best single deck pinochle player of the bunch, even regularly besting my mother, who was a Life Master at bridge, and one of the best bridge players in the country.

Marion, your deep love for me saved me countless times in my life from age eleven (my bipolar onset) onward. I think of you every single day.

Said tongue in cheek to my father while my mother listens in between Pinochle hands (she is the dealer)…

Art, I BLAME YOU! for this jam I have got myself in. It is all your fault! lmao (laughing my ass off)

My father was A Very Special Man. Just ask anyone that really knew him. We will all say the same kind of things about him.

Art, I blame you (lol) because you drilled three things into me time, and time, and time again… both when I was a child and a young man.

One was “Doctors spoon feed out knowledge a little at a time, and withhold the rest. They are NOT to be trusted at all.”

Another was…

“Think. You have a Good Brain. Your Good Brain Will Pull You Out Of Any Jam You May Get Yourself Into… If You Use It Wisely.”

And the last was…

“Money is nothing! It is only paper! A pile of money is only a pile of paper! Money is only a means to an end. It is worthless in and of itself.”

Art, on all counts you were right “in spades”.

How ironic! These three seeds of Truth my father taught me beginning in the sixties, during conversations around a round maple dining room table that my father himself had designed, toppled Big Pharma decades later.

The World owes a Very Special Thank you to my father Arthur Patrick Darman for sure.

I look forward to seeing Art and Marion in heaven when the time comes. We are going to play some Pinochle again! Hoorah!

I can’t wait to to tell them the story titled “They Messed With The Wrong Guy”… lmao while I tell it.

It’s a story about the Stupidity of Big Pharma!

We are going to Die Laughing! my mother, my father, and I.

Some of us might wet our pants… lol… or need to go the the bathroom in a real hurry!

This story is So Funny! It’s an Absolute Scream!

My dearly beloved father Arthur died in 1996. He will forever reside in my heart.

My dearly beloved mother passed away in 2005. She will forever reside in my heart too.


Seven Related Blogs>>>

1) A Complex Battle Between At Least Twenty One Power Structures Is NOW Underway; The Future Of The World Is At Stake (10-7-2013)

2) An Internet Based Federal Government *Should Have Eight Presidents* Rather Than One (12-9-2012)

3) Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013! (4-9-2012)

4) The Blog Federal Government And/Or Mafia Hackers Mess With The Most; The Story of Darman Mfg. Company and Genius (10-13-2010)

And of Utmost Importance…

5) Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems (8-30-2010)



6) Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)


Alternative medicine has “trumped” conventional drug-oriented medicine on the Internet in the past ten years, as far as the truth is concerned. (See blog for more…)

7) The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010; A Historic WordPress Repost

Nutrientscure.Wordpress.com was Originally a WordPress Website in regard to overcoming mental illness via the use of natural and non-drug means. It was essentially the story of my overcoming over three decades of bipolar symptoms in the late 1990′s, and then teaching my son Willy Darman how to overcome an ADHD diagnosis and bipolar symptoms beginning when he was thirteen years old in 2004.

The Search for a Cure for ADHD and bipolar disorder ended! with my son Willy Darman and I. We Co-Discovered these Cures for the World!

As Many Times as they have tried to kill me in the past three years to ***Stop the Truth from Coming Out***, it is a Miracle that I remained Alive long enough to write this WordPress piece of work in Collaboration with my heroic WordPress Internet Team! Allen D

My Name is Allen Darman. (Google me.) My Primary WordPress Website Since July 2009 Or So has been Nutrientscure Dot WordPress Dot Com. Nutrientscure.WordPress.com The Above WordPress Website has over two thousand and five hundred (2,500) WordPress Blogs on it (as of February 23, 2013). ************ As of April 10, 2012, I Am No Longer WordPress Blogging Alone On The Internet. As of April 2012, I Am The Leader of A Four Person Revolutionary WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team. Perhaps All I Wish to Say About The Above Mentioned Development at the Moment Is… Thank God I am not Working Alone!!! with WordPress Any More! ************ My Revolutionary WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team’s Primary WordPress Websites As of April 1, 2013 will Be Shared between Sixteen (16) Active WordPress Websites. SweetSixteenWebsites.WordPress.com/2013/01/11/hello-fellow-americans-1-11-2013/ ************ About Allen Darman I ordered a Second iMac today (2-28-2013) because I have already had a Devil of a Time in Regard to Hackers Heavily Attacking the first Apple Refurbished iMac I just got the other day (2-26-2013). Two Days of hacker hell! These are almost Certainly BOTH Federal Government and Mafia hackers. I have been chronically hacked and disrupted EVER SINCE I PUT MY SON WILLY’S ORIGINAL RECOVERY WIDELY ON THE INTERNET IN JUNE 2006. I am the Most Hacked Man on the Planet! No Doubt! They should put me in the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS FOR BEING HACKED SO MUCH since June 2006! In regard to Murder Attempts by the Mafia thus far that have Failed, my count only stands at about 35 Failed Attempts, so I would not set the Record for the Guinness Book of Records. A man in the Energy Invention Arena Named Adam Trombly has me Beat, as he has had 54! Frankly, I am glad I am Number 2… who would want any more? picture coming later… That Dummy Allen Darman is Above! Boy, does he make a lot of mistakes! And he has a funny looking bald head! At Least He Works Hard Though. He Tries. Allen tells me “I am 420Single and 420Looking, I am a 420Power Blogger on WordPress, and I am an Activist for Positive Social Change”. Allen also Tells me “I know it’s Against the Law, but I need Two Wives, so that One Could Keep the Other Company when I am Working. I often Work 16-20 hours a day, and Sleep Most of the Rest. I would hate to have only one wife! She would be Always Be Mad at me >Cause I am Working So Much, and never gave her enough time! Heck, three wives would be even better! We’d be a foursome! U3 can have either M or F *Friends with Benefits on the Side* if You want more Adult420XXX Fun ’cause you are not getting enough from me sometimes! Communal Living of Sorts and I’m Outnumbered! in the house with 3 Females! Oh, shit! I’ll Always Get OutVoted! at DecisionTime!! I am the Happiest man Alive! that’s No Lie! Nobody could Ever Dream that they would ever get this far vs. Big Pharma and the Federal Government! Well, WE DID, me, my Collaborative Internet Team, Samantha Adams Dean Garrison, Jim Humble, Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. WE DID It! The Feds would be wise to begin negotiations, and Give Up Without Starting a Fight They Cannot Win! (War Benefits Nobody. Why Start a War that You Can Not Win?) >>>I am in Heaven and I am Not Dead Yet!




ALL of my Facebook and Google+ Friends should check this out.


US Patriots Need To Take America Back! (10-19-2013)

link coming


This material is soon going to be a part of a

Patriot Movement
Internet Educational Course


Notable Quote:

This historic WordPress Blog is being Written Prepared and by SmokeMasterAllenD and his heroic Collaborative Patriot WordPress Website Development Team. “We got *Balls the Size of Texas* for doing what we are doing vs. Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Illuminati (or whatever they are called), The Mafia, and the United States Government.

“Oddly, the Mafia are NOT the Real Bad Guy here. If they Switch Sides, Many Mutual Benefits could emanate from this.” Allen D